整合營銷(Integrated marketing),即整合營銷傳播(Integrated marketing communications),指將一個企業的各種傳播方式加以綜合集成,其中包括一般的廣告、與客戶的直接溝通、促銷、公關等等,對分散的傳播信息進行無縫接合,從而使得企業及其產品和服務的總體傳播效果達到明確、連續、一致和提升。
定義營銷專家唐·E·舒爾茨(Don E. Schultz)1993年在《整合營銷傳播》一書中給出的定義:
Duncan & Moriarty(1997)認為行銷策略必須重新整合,並藉著科技進步之力來提出行銷問題的癥結。因此認為整合行銷:
而根據美國生產力與品質中心(American Productivity and Quality Center)所給予整合行銷傳播的定義為:
Integrated Marketing Communications, a body of academic and practical work promoting a management approach to marketingIntegrated Marketing Communications is a term used to describe a holistic approach to marketing communication. It aims to ensure consistency of message and the complementary use of media. The concept includes online and offline marketing channels. Online marketing channels include any e-marketing campaigns or programs, from
search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click, affiliate, email, banner to latest web related channels for webinar, blog, micro-blogging, RSS, podcast, and Internet TV. Offline marketing channels are traditional print (newspaper, magazine), mail order, public relations, industry relations, billboard, radio, and television. A company develops its integrated marketing communication programme using all the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion).
Integrated marketing communication is integration of all marketing tools, approaches, and resources within a company which maximizes impact on consumer mind and which results into maximum profit at minimum cost. Generally marketing starts from "
Marketing Mix". Promotion is one element of Marketing Mix. Promotional activities include Advertising(by using different medium), sales promotion (sales and trades promotion), and personal selling activities. It also includes internet marketing, sponsorship marketing, direct marketing, database marketing and public relations. And integration of all these promotional tools along with other components of marketing mix to gain edge over competitor is called Integrated Marketing Communication.